Computer Science, asked by maaursheda004, 11 months ago

Using java (oop) Make a system for Tution Center. Don’t use file handling and data base. The application must be able to

show proper menu to the user for different options that cover the requirements below. Use proper

inheritance between classes otherwise no marks will be awarded.

1. Store data as objects for student, tutor, subject, payment, and each class schedule.

2. Student must be registered to the class and tutor. Student can enroll more than 1 subject at different


3. Tuition fee are charged each month, RS40/subject (each subject fee can be different).

4. The application must be able to display receipt each month for all student and the subjects they


5. The maximum student per class is 15. You cannot enroll more than 15 students in a class.

6. Generate the following data in main:

 At least 5 subjects

 At least 3 tutors

 At least 10 schedules

 At least 20 students: Some enrolled 2 subjects for 3 months Some enrolled 4 subjects for 3 months

Some enrolled 5 subjects for 3 month​


Answered by Anonymous


There are two ways to reuse existing classes, namely, composition and inheritance. With composition (aka aggregation), you define a new class, which is composed of existing classes. With inheritance, you derive a new class based on an existing class, with modifications or extensions.

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