English, asked by deepu2508, 7 months ago

Using PHP create a method which will read the strArr parameter being passed which will represent a full day
and will be filled with events that span from time X to time Y in the day. The format of each event will be
hh:mm AM/PM- hh:mm AM/PM.
For example, strArr may be ["10:00AM-12:30PM","02:00PM-02:45PM","09:10AM-
Your program will have to output the longest amount of free time available between the
start of your first event and the end of your last event in the format: hh:mm. The start
event should be the earliest event in the day and the latest event should be the latest
event in the day.
The output for the previous input would therefore be 01:30 (with the earliest event in the
day starting at 09:10AM and the latest event ending at 02:45PM). The input will contain
at least 3 events and the events may be out of order.


Answered by bhawneek001


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