Using prime factorization find the hcf of 3192 and 14280
Numbers: 3192, 14280
To find:
The HCF of 3192 and 14280 using prime factorization
The HCF of 3192 and 14280 using prime factorization is 168.
We can find the HCF by following the given steps-
We know that the HCF can be determined by obtaining the prime factors of the given numbers and multiplying the common factors.
Using prime factorization, only prime factors are determined.
So, we will obtain the factors of 3192 and 14280.
Each number will be written as a product of its prime factors.
The prime factors of 3192= ×3×7×19
The prime factors of 14280=×3×5×7×17
The common factors between 3192 and 14280 are 8, 3, and 7.
Now, the HCF will be calculated by multiplying the prime factors common between 3192 and 14280.
HCF of 3192 and 14280=×3×7
Therefore, the HCF of 3192 and 14280 using prime factorization is 168.