Using the given circuit with ammeter and voltmeter answer the question. 202 A. 402 A A 8V The ammeters showing same reading are

Using the given circuit with ammeter and voltmeter answer the question. 202 A. 402 A A 8V The ammeters showing same reading are A₁, A₂. so, option (d) is correct.
- Electric current is measured in amperes using a device that can measure either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current.
- The ammeter can measure a wide range of current values because, at high current values, the majority of the current is carried by a shunt that runs parallel to the meter.
- A voltmeter, often known as a voltage meter, is a device that measures the potential difference, or voltage, between two points in an electrical or electronic circuit.
- Others are designed to be used in direct current (DC) circuits, while some voltmeters are intended for use in alternating current (AC) circuits.
- Analogue, digital, and amplified voltmeters are the three different types available.
- Resistance is the obstacle that a substance offers to the flow of electrical current.
- The most widely used unit of resistance is the ohm, which is typically expressed as a word and sporadically by the Greek letter omega in uppercase.
Req=100+50 =150
I = 6/ 150
I = 0.04 A
V= I×100
= 4V
Using the given circuit with ammeter and voltmeter answer the question. 202 A. 402 A A 8V The ammeters showing same reading are A₁, A₂. (d) .
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Answer the question using the provided circuit with an ammeter and a voltmeter. 202 A. 402 A A 8V A1 and A2 ammeters both display the same reading. So, choice (d) is the right one.
Using a device that can measure both direct (DC) and alternating (AC) current, electric current is measured in amperes.
Because a shunt that runs parallel to the metre carries the majority of the current at high current values, the ammeter can measure a wide range of current values.
The potential difference, or voltage, between two points in an electrical or electronic circuit is measured using a voltmeter, also referred to as a voltage metre.
in circuits that use alternating current (AC).
Voltmeters come in three varieties: amplified, digital, and analogue.
A substance's ability to obstruct the flow of electrical current is referred to as resistance.
The Greek letter omega in uppercase is occasionally used to represent the ohm, the most often used unit of resistance.
Req=100+50 =150
I = 6/ 150
I = 0.04 A
V= I×100
= 4V
Answer the question using the provided circuit with an ammeter and a voltmeter. 202 A. 402 A A 8V The ammeters A1, A2, and (d) are reading the same.
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