English, asked by ayushbhan1018, 1 month ago

Using the picture and beginning given below, along with your imagination develop a story in 150-200 words.
Beginning - It was when my neighbour​



Answered by anishgupta2077


It was when my neighour scolded me in class 5th for failing in exam. I felt very bad that day and decided to take revenge . but as a kid i could not do much. rather than throwing water ballons into his house.

someone than told me he is a very highbrow person . because he the most educated in the colony. and if someone comes here more educated then him. then he will feel ashamed.

I thought whats in studing. i will study more than him and show him who i am. so i studied well and completed the school. and also performed well in collage .

now you are seeing me sitting in the class .

this is a IIT class . only one month of studying and then i will give the exam . and will crack IIT

(I tried my best bro kindly see to it. and mark me as brainliest answer)

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