Hindi, asked by nobelaarjay20, 2 days ago

using venn diagram,compare and contrast scrambled egg and omelet​



Answered by yogeshbhuyal7


hope you are doing well best of luck

Answered by sarahssynergy

compare and contrast scrambled egg and omelet​

Scrammbled Eggs denoted with A while Omelets denoted with B


Similarities in scrambled egg and omelet​ :

  • Eggs - Both are made up of whisked eggs.
  • Tools - Both required same tools to prepare like frying pan, spatula.
  • Components - Both have same components like whisked eggs, butter, cooking oil, onions(if required) etc.

This is the intersection area of the venn diagram ( A∩B).

Difference between scrambled egg and omelet​

They are both made from the same components yet their techniques differs.

  • Scrambled eggs cook slowly over medium-low heat. Whereas Omelet are cooked over medium-high heat.
  • Scrambled eggs are purposely mangled while omelets are carefully folded and cooked flat.

A-B = which has only Scrambled Eggs properties not omelets' (their technique)

B-A = which has only omelets properties not Scrambled Eggs'(their technique)

And (AUB) is their union i.e. they include both their differences and similarities.

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