Hindi, asked by asen53148, 4 months ago

उदगार की प्रकृति के आधार पर ज्वालामुखी के प्रकार लिखो​


Answered by Anonymous


उद्गार की बारम्बारता के आधार पर ज्वालामुखी तीन प्रकार के हैं - सक्रिय, प्रसुप्त तथा विलुप्त । सक्रिय ज्वालामुखी वे हैं जिनमें वर्तमान में या हाल वर्षों में उद्गार हो रहे हैं या हुए हैं। प्रसुप्त ज्वालामुखी वे हैं जिनमें मानव इतिहास काल में कम से कम एक बार उद्गार हुआ है और जो वर्तमान में सक्रिय नहीं है।

Answered by iniyavan82

There are many influential effects for the arrival of the Renaissance. The initial reason was the result of a change in commerce over the earlier medieval method of a barter economy. The introduction of money and credit initiated an impetus within the economy which created a sense of pride and independence. In turn, this stirred the minds of the people to think beyond “their spiritual and worldly masters.” With this sudden increase in prosperity came an increase in “political and social prestige for the middle classes.” Instead of holding the lowly positions of peddlers, as they had in the Middle Ages, men now became a class of “merchants.” This new class built hospitals, churches, and respect and power. They spent the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries organizing that power. They spent the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries enjoying it. This period of enjoyment was called the Renaissance.

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