English, asked by freelakshjaik, 5 months ago

V. Identify if the sentence is in active or passive voice:

1. The photo was taken by me.

2. She is singing an old song.


Answered by ramtej991


1) passive voice

2) active voice

Answered by VεnusVεronίcα

\underbrace{\boxed{\bf Question:}}

Identify if the sentences are in active or passive voice.

  • The photo was taken by me.

  • She is singing an old song.


\underbrace{\boxed{\bf Answer:}}

  • The photo was taken by me : Passive voice

Here, the word me is the subject and is acted on by the verb taken.

  • She is singing an old song : Active voice

Here, the word she is the subject and is performing the action singing.


\underbrace{\boxed{\bf Must~remember:}}

  • Active voice :

When the subject of a sentence performs the verb's action, then that sentence is said to be in active voice.

Example : He is playing tennis.

Here, the word he is the subject and is performing the action playing.

  • Passive voice :

When the subject is acted on by the verb in a sentence, then that sentence is said that be in passive voice.

Example : Those flowers were plucked by me.

Here, the word me is the subject and is performing the action plucking.


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