V1 V2 V3 forms of words Ex : write wrote written
Verb forms of the main verbs are basically of three types: Base, past simple and past participle forms.
The base/root form is in the simple present form denotes action in the present tense.
The past simple form is formed by combined base form + ‘ed’ denotes past action.
The past participle form also formed by joining base form + ‘ed’ and denotes action in long past. Irregular verbs do not follow the above rule, and the form changes.
In some verbs like cut, all the three forms remain the same; whereas, in verbs like go, all three forms are different.
Verb forms V1, V2, V3 are given below:
V1 → V2 → V3
1) Arise → Arose → Arisen
2) Be → Was/there → Been
3) Begin → Began → Begun
4) Choose → Chose → Chosen
5) Drive → Drove → Driven
6) Drink → Drank → Drunk
7) Fall → Fell → Fallen
8) Forget → Forgot → Forgotten
9) Go → Went → Gone
10) Give → Gave → Given
11) Have → Had → Had
12) Hide → Hid → Hidden
13) Know → Knew → Known
14) Lie → Lay → Lain
15) Make → Made → Made
16) Ride → Rode → Ridden
17) Show → Showed → Shown
18) Swim → Swam → Swum
19) Think → Thought → Thought
20) Wake → Woke → Woken