विचार करून उत्तर द्या .
एक व्यापारी असतो
त्याच्या जवळ 3 पोती नारळ असतात
एका पोत्यात 30 नारळ याप्रमाणे 3
पोत्यात 90 नारळ असतात
तो प्रवासासाठी निघालेला असतो त्या
हायवेवर 30 टोलनाके असतात
प्रत्येक नाक्यावर कररूपाने एका
पोत्यासाठी एक नारळ असे 3 पोत्यासाठी 3
नारळ दिल्यानंतर व्यापा-याकडे किती नारळ
शिल्लक राहतील..?
This is a MPSC Question..!
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A man has 3 bags of coconut. Each bag has 30 coconuts. So 3 bags = 90 coconuts. There are 30 tolls. He has to give 1 coconut for 1 bag of coconut. So 3 coconuts for 3 bags. How many coconuts will remain after all 30 tolls.
3 bags = 3 coconuts.
10 tolls = 10 x 3 = 30 coconuts.
now 1 bag of coconuts are over (each bag has 30 coconuts )
Now he has 2 bags with him. So he has to pay 2 coconuts for 2 bags.
15 tolls = 15 x 2 = 30 coconuts.
Again 1 bag is over. Now he has 1 bag of coconuts remaining and 25 tolls passed. Now he has to pay 1 coconut for 1 bag at each toll.
5 tolls remaining = 5 x 1 = 5 coconuts.
Total tolls over = 10 + 15 + 5 = 30
Total coconuts given on tolls = 30 + 30 + 5 = 65
Remaining coconuts = 90 - 65 = 25
3 bags = 3 coconuts.
10 tolls = 10 x 3 = 30 coconuts.
now 1 bag of coconuts are over (each bag has 30 coconuts )
Now he has 2 bags with him. So he has to pay 2 coconuts for 2 bags.
15 tolls = 15 x 2 = 30 coconuts.
Again 1 bag is over. Now he has 1 bag of coconuts remaining and 25 tolls passed. Now he has to pay 1 coconut for 1 bag at each toll.
5 tolls remaining = 5 x 1 = 5 coconuts.
Total tolls over = 10 + 15 + 5 = 30
Total coconuts given on tolls = 30 + 30 + 5 = 65
Remaining coconuts = 90 - 65 = 25
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30 टोल नाक्यानंतर 25 नारळ राहतील
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