Psychology, asked by zoya55455, 6 months ago

व्हिच ऑफ द फॉलोइंग रिस्पेक्टिव फोकस ऑन बायोलॉजिकल बेसिस ऑफ यूनिवर्सल मेंटल कैरेक्टरिस्टिक ह्यूमन एस सी कोड​


Answered by archanarai9922


Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical approach in the social and natural sciences that examines psychological structure from a modern evolutionary perspective.[1] It seeks to identify which human psychological traits are evolved adaptations – that is, the functional products of natural selection or sexual selection in human evolution. Adaptationist thinking about physiological mechanisms, such as the heart, lungs, and immune system, is common in evolutionary biology. Some evolutionary psychologists apply the same thinking to psychology, arguing that the modularity of mind is similar to that of the body and with different modular adaptations serving different functions. These evolutionary psychologists argue that much of human behavior is the output of psychological adaptations that evolved to solve recurrent problems in human ancestral environments.

Answered by aakash591

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