व्हिच ऑफ द फॉलोइंग शो सिंगल स्ट्रैंडेड आरएनए एंड लाइफ प्रोटीन कोट
Ourmiaviruses (Ourmiavirus)
Gian Paolo Accotto, Cristina Rosa, in Reference Module in Life Sciences, 2020
Ourmiaviruses are ssRNA viruses not assigned to any family, with a tripartite genome and cylindrical particles with conical ends. The three species described so far infect plants inducing mosaic, mottle, necrosis on the leaves: Ourmia melon virus (OuMV, the type species), Epirus cherry virus (EpCV) and Cassava virus C (CsVC). Ourmiaviruses appear derived by reassortment of genetic elements of very distant viruses. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) shows relationships with viruses of invertebrates and fungi, the movement protein (MP) with tombusviruses, the coat protein (CP) shows distant affinities with the CPs of sobemo-, tombus- luteo- and nodaviruses.