व्हाट आर द डिफरेंस बिटवीन द ट्रांसपोर्ट ऑफ मटेरियल इन जाइलम एंड phloem?
Difference between xylem and phloem transport:
Xylem transport Phloem transport
1. Xylem tissues include tracheids, vessels, fibres and parenchyma and serve in ascent of sap/water and minerals. 1. Phloem tissues is a composed of four elements namely, sieve tube elements, companion cell, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma and serve in translocation of organic nutrients.
2. Due to defined source and sink relationship, the movement is unidirectional. 2. The movement is multidirectional as source sink relationship keeps changing.
3. Xylem transport is not influenced by metabolic inhibitors. 3. Phloem transport is inhibited by metabolic inhibitors.
4. Xylem vessels and tracheids are main component of transport. 4. Sieve tube are main component of transport which are assisted by companion cells.
5. Major driving forces are transpiration pull and diffusion. 5. Being active transport, it uses ATP.