वैल्यू ऑफ 10 प्लस अंडर रूट 36 is
Step-by-step explanation:
What is the value of √36?
Just to make the answer to this unoriginal question a bit more interesting , here are some more results equal to 36−−√ .
This answer underwent a number of updates. One can choose to read it all or to read certain passages or sections according to one's preferences.
Here is an outline of the whole answer:
-- First part: mathematical results.
-- Update number 1 : mostly more math results .
-- Update number 2: results from physics (and some chemistry) and some philosophy of science.
-- Update number 3: 3 D computer graphics and some philosophy.
-- Sources and related reference works.
The following results were mostly obtained with the help of Mathematica , they can be verified :
Update number 1 :
Here is another group of results equal to 36−−√ .
If one tries to work out or verify these equalities , it would be a good exercise in intermediate and advanced math ( and physics).
Update number 2:
I guess I'll add one more list of answers , this time related to physics (and some chemistry) .
With physics one has to take into account the units and the corresponding dimensions of the equations and of the constants.
6 and the square root of 36 are dimentionless numbers , so the result must be dimentionless .
If the result is a simple fraction with numerator and denominator , then the units usually cancel out.
In other cases when one deals with logarithms one should multiply with the inverse dimensions to get a dimentionless result.
In one or two results where I didn't look for the inverse units I multiplied the equation with a quantity I called (U) , which represents the inverse of the units by which one should multiply the result to get a dimentionless number.
In formulas and calculations involving scientific or physical constants , sometimes the result and value obtained are approximately equal to 6 , depending on the adopted value(s) of the constant(s) in question .
Here are the results :
One possible way to explain what I have done here is the following:
If some people , living on an isolated fictitious island or on an another hypothetical planet , attached a great importance to and had a fixation on the square root of 36 (or the number 6) for one reason or another , and got accustomed to the use of 6 as a fundamental constant , unit or number , then they would have likely tried to construct a system of measurement based on the number 6 , and to express physics and math formulas ,equations , constants and rules in relation to 6.
After all , 6 or 36−−√ is equal to :
The floor of 2π :
2π≈6.2831853071795864769 ;
160 of the circumference of a circle in degrees.
It is also one tenth of 60 seconds which make up a minute , one tenth of 60 minutes which make up an hour , one fourth of 24 hours which equal a day on Earth , one half of 12 months which make up a year , etc.
A peculiar 'hexacentric' system , so to speak.
Or this can be seen as a (creative) exploration of or exercise in advanced math and physics in order to express many equations , formulas and constants in relation to the number 6 (or 36−−√ ) .
Or whatever.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The square of √36 is 6.
- ie.10+6=16.