व्रक्ष हमारे देश की अमूल्य निधि है व्रक्ष हमे केवल ईधन व फल ही नहीं देते बल्कि वे हमे इमारति लड़की भी देते है हमे अधिक से अधिक पेड़ लगाना चाहिए अनावश्यक रूप से पेड़ो को नहीं काटना चाहिए tranlate in to English word
The given question means that trees are an integral part of the human and the environmental existence.
With almost all organizations coming for preserving trees and the nature, there is a constant need for planting trees and going for high scale afforestation so that in future the number of trees is increased.
Also, with quality trees, the soil quality will be good, and there will be less environmental degradation and leaching and thus an ecological balance will be created.
Translation of the given paragraph in English is given below:
1. Trees are our nation's invaluable treasure and wealth.
2. Trees not only gives us fruit and food but also gives us wood for building houses, factories and industries.
3. That is why we should plant huge number of trees.
4. And we should stop and prevent cutting trees unnecessarily.
Trees are very important resources of our nation. It would have been impossible to exist on Earth if there were no trees. Apart from food, wood and fruits, trees provide us with most valuable thing called 'Oxygen' without which no living organisms can survive. It is very necessary to protect trees and plant more trees in our area and locality.
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