वायु दाब की पेटियां or pvne
equatorial low pressure abdominal doldrums
2. Subtropical high pressure belt
3. Sub-polar low pressure belt
4. polar high pressure belt
1. Medium linear low pressure belt: -
5 degrees north and 5 degrees south of the equator
Direct rays of the sun are high throughout the year and low air pressure
Surface winds do not move, the air rises lightly and convective currents are born.
Thermal belt and
Cool tropics
This tropic is also called doldrum
2. Tropical high pressure belt: -
30 to 35 degree latitude
Speed belt
high temperature
High pressure
The high pressure of this box is related not to the temperature but to the daily movement of the earth and the concavity of the air.
This box is also called horse latitude
3. The above polar low pressure belt: -
60 ° to 65 ° between northern and southern latitudes
Low air pressure (due to rotation of the Earth)
Speed belt
Due to hot water currents in this region, the temperature is increased.
4.Polar high pressure belt: -
Around 90 degrees
High pressure and low temperature
Heat belt
A. Permanent Pvne
( P Ermanent W Inds )
Between the equatorial low pressure belt and subtropical high pressure belt
Both hemispheres
These winds turn to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere according to the Law of Feral.
Winds descend near the subtropical high air pressure, which is why they are healthy and calm.
The two hemispheres near the equator have commercial winds that collide and
Rises pouring upward as a convective stream
2. Pachhva Pavane: -
Between subtropical high air pressure and sub polar low pressure boxes
Between 30 - 35 degrees to 60 - 65 degrees
In both hemispheres
Here there is a cyclone
Which brings stability to the atmosphere
Due to the lack of obstructions in the Southern Hemisphere, they are more rapid and regular and permanent.
In the Southern Hemisphere -
40 degree latitude - thundering chalisa
50 degree latitude - awful Pachasa
60 degree latitude - screaming sixty
3.Polar polar
Between polar high pressure and sub polar low pressure boxes
Extremely cold and dry winds
In the Northern Hemisphere, the fast-moving polar winds are called nor'easter (around the USA and Canada).