English, asked by s2ksshrnehan, 1 year ago

value based question of The Dear Departed


Answered by upenderjoshi28

1.  Living together means sacrifice and understanding on the part of all members of the family. “Discuss in the light of the play ‘Dear Departed’.​

Man is a social animal with immensely complex emotional mechanism. His ego is always dominating his behavior. Besides ego, the temptations of greed, selfishness, pride, jealousy, competitive rivalry always confound his wisdom and etiquette. Man does not live alone. Only angels or devils can afford living alone! Man has to live with other men or women in family or at work. He also has to interact with others.
His ego and vices of character can really create trouble for him if he does not control them. Almost all the conflicts, arguments, fights, break-ups stem from either ego or vices of character. Families break, brothers and sisters become estranged, divorces and separations end the once loving relationships!
In the play "Dear Departed', Abel Merryweather was also wronged and hurt by the vices of his own daughters. They treated to him like a stranger! They considered him dead and rushed into division of his property with him lying asleep in his room! They neither went to his room to have a close look at him; nor sent for a doctor to have him examined! This was travesty of filial relationship. No doubt, their relationship ended so suddenly!
If a unit or group of people has to live together happily, each group member must learn to respect the feelings of the others. Ego and vices should not be allowed to spoil the happy living together!

2. Write an article on lust is all Get love is all give by the dear departed

                              Lust is all Get: Love is all give

'Love' and 'lust' are diametrically opposite to each other. The former is a virtue, whereas the latter is a vice. Love believes in giving; lust is always ready to receive. Love can sacrifice its own pleasure for noble purposes. Lust is just bothered about its own pleasures. Ultimately, it is love that wins, and lust is doomed to suffer, repent and regret over its own deeds. 

Someone has very poetically said, 'It is in loving, not being loved
                                                              The heart finds its quest;
                                                               It is in giving, not in getting
                                                               Our lives are blest.'

Selfless love is the divinest sentiment humans have. It is the only emotion that makes him a god. Selfless love is the quality of the angels. We can say people who have evolved to the highest level of existence, become selfless lovers.

There are many examples in history that prove the premise. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the divinest example of selfless love. His entire life is an epitome of selfless love in practice. He taught mankind how to love selflessly. We saw the culmination of his selfless love in his suffering inflicted upon him by the then Pharisees and religious authorities. On the cross, when he was being nailed, he prayed to God to forgive them. He loved mankind selflessly; and he did not flinch from suffering.

All great lovers of mankind have been givers, and they also gave everything they had to make this world a better place. Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, and many more who worked to preserve peace in the world are selfless lovers of mankind.

Lustful people, on the other hand are always conspiring to get as much as they can get. The present hellish condition of our planet, environment, resources, lopsided distribution of world's wealth, etc, is because of the lust of people. Stanley Houghton has beautifully portrayed this evil of lust in his play, Dear Departed through the characters of greedy Slaters and Jordans.

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