value of games and sports essay 250 words
The value of games and sports
We are all familiar with the maxim, Health is wealth. According to the world health organization, Health is state of complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well being of an individual and not merely the absence of disease. Academics serve the purpose of nourishing the mind. But a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. One can develop and maintain a healthy body by actively participating in games and sports.
Games keep our body alert, active, youthful and energetic. They instill in us a spirit of adventure. Games increase the circulation of blood, boost metabolism, burn calories and improve lthe respiration and digestive system. A healthy person can work hard cheerfully for a long period of time, and can face dangers boldly. Games also instilling the players the spirit so self reliance, self confidence, justice, and fair play. They enable them to cultivate other virtues like discipline, honesity, integrity, loyalty and patriotic,.
While playing games various exercises are performed automatically and one need not join a gymnasium for this purpose. Brisk walking, running, cycling, skipping, swimming and yoga are common activities to keep oneself fit. They also tone up the body of both the young and the old. Mild exercises are beneficial for patients recovering from heart attack and those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, etc. exercise invigorates the mind and the body and helps to keep one fit.
Values of Sports and Games
Sports are nice physical activities that provide freedom from the stress and worries. It has nice scope and professional career for the sports persons. It has ability to give
sportspersons their required name, fame and money. So, we can say that, sports can be played for personal benefits as well as professional benefits. In both ways, it benefits our body, mind and soul. Some people play it daily for their body and mind fitness, enjoyment, etc however some play it to get valuable status in their life. No one can ignore its values in the personal and professional life. First Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens which is now held continuously after every four years in different countries. It involves both, outdoor and indoor games in which sportsperson of many countries takes part.
Some of the outdoor sports and games are like football, hockey, volleyball, baseball, cricket, tennis, kho-kho, kabaddi, etc which require a playground to be played. Indoor games are like carom, cards, chess, table tennis, puzzle, indoor basketball, etc can be played at home without any playground. Some sports and games like badminton and table tennis can be enjoyed both as indoor and outdoor.