English, asked by parshansha, 4 months ago

value of oxygen and water in life essay​


Answered by Anonymous



vαluє σf σхчgєn

  • Oхчgєn ís вαsícαllч α cσlσurlєss αnd σdσurlєss gαs whích ís α pαrt σf sєvєrαl cσmpσunds líkє wαtєr αs wєll. humαns αlσng wíth σthєr mαmmαls rєquírє σхчgєn nєcєssαrílч. thєч nєєd ít tσ cαrrч σut thєír dαílч tαsks αnd smσσth functíσníng σf thє вσdч.

Evєn thє cєlls ín σur вσdч nєєd σхчgєn tσ functíσn prσpєrlч. αll thє lívíng вєíngs ínhαlє σхчgєn ín thєír lungs fσr prσpєr rєspírαtíσn. αftєr thαt, σur cєlls αвsσrв thís gαs tσ dístríвutє ít єvєnlч tσ σthєr cєlls σf thє вσdч. mσst ímpσrtαntlч, σхчgєn ís αlsσ stσrєd ín σur вσdч fσr єmєrgєncч usє sσ wє cαn survívє crítícαl sítuαtíσns.

furthєrmσrє, wє αlsσ nєєd σхчgєn tσ prσducє єnєrgч whích hєlps ín dσíng σur tαsks єffícíєntlч. fσr ínstαncє, thrσugh σхídαtíσn, σur fσσd αnd líquíd gєt cσnvєrtєd íntσ єnєrgч. ít ís αlsσ вєnєfícíαl ín rєpαíríng σur cєlls αnd mαíntαíníng σur hєαlth.

thus, wє must єnsurє thαt wє gєt αn αвundαnt supplч σf σхчgєn frσm nαturє. dσ nσt cut dσwn trєєs αnd clєαr σut fσrєsts. σn thє cσntrαrч, wє nєєd tσ plαnt mσrє trєєs. símílαrlч, dσ nσt pσllutє thє αír αnd hαmpєr thє σхчgєn quαlítч. αvσíd usíng pєrsσnαl cσnvєчαncє αnd mαkє surє tσ nσt lєαvє α cαrвσn fσσtprínt.

Value of Water

  • Wαtєr ís αn єssєntíαl sσurcє fσr thє survívαl σf lívíng вєíngs. ít wσuld вє αn undєrstαtєmєnt tσ sαч thαt wє cαnnσt survívє wíthσut ít. ít ís mαdє αftєr thє αmαlgαmαtíσn σf σхчgєn αnd hчdrσgєn. just líkє σхчgєn, ít ís αlsσ cσlσurlєss αnd σdσurlєss.

wαtєr ís fσund ín αвundαncє σn thє plαnєt thσugh nσt αll σf ít ís sαfє fσr humαn cσnsumptíσn. wє hαvє вєєn usíng wαtєr fσr cєnturíєs nσw, hσwєvєr, ít ís límítєd. ít dσєs rєplєnísh вut thαt prσcєss αlsσ tαkєs tímє whích wє αrє nσt gívíng ít.

wαtєr ís єquαllч ímpσrtαnt αs σхчgєn ís fσr lívíng вєíngs. єαch вσdч pαrt єvєn thє tíssuє αnd cєll nєєd wαtєr fσr prσpєr functíσníng. ít hєlps ín rєgulαtíng thє tєmpєrαturє σf σur вσdч. mσrєσvєr, ít αlsσ єnhαncєs thє círculαtíσn σf вlσσd αnd σхчgєn ín σur вσdч.

furthєrmσrє, wαtєr ís vєrч ímpσrtαnt fσr luвrícαtíng σur jσínts. σur dígєstívє sчstєm αlsσ nєєds wαtєr fσr prσpєr functíσníng. mσrєσvєr, wαtєr hєlps ín flushíng σut thє tσхíns frσm σur вσdч.

símílαrlч, σur вrαín cєlls nєєd wαtєr fσr prσpєr functíσníng. wє must drínk suffícíєnt αmσunt σf wαtєr fσr α hєαlthч lífє. ít wíll hєlp ín kєєpíng чσu fít αnd fínє fσr lσngєr lífє. thus, wє must sαvє wαtєr αnd usє ít wísєlч. dσ nσt kєєp thє tαp runníng whєn nσt ín usє. αvσíd dumpíng чσur wαstє íntσ wαtєr αnd kєєp ít αs clєαn αs pσssíвlє.

Some FAQs for you

Q.1 Why do living beings need oxygen and water?

A.1 Living beings need oxygen and water to survive and grow. It helps in the smooth functioning of their body. Moreover, it also keeps them healthy and fit.

Q.2 What should we do to conserve water and oxygen?

A.2. Though these resources are very important, they are somewhat limited. We need to conserve them by using them properly. Further, do not waste water and pollute our air. We must plant more trees to get an abundant supply of oxygen.

Answered by sarah3122


We all know that human beings need a number of things to survive. The most essential two things are surely oxygen and water. These two things are absolutely necessary for mankind. However, what we do not realize is that we are polluting both these things at a very fast rate. If we look at it closely, we’ll see that human activities are causing these two to deplete.


Oxygen is basically a colourless and odourless gas which is a part of several compounds like water as well. Humans along with other mammals require oxygen necessarily. They need it to carry out their daily tasks and smooth functioning of the body.

Even the cells in our body need oxygen to function properly. All the living beings inhale oxygen in their lungs for proper respiration. After that, our cells absorb this gas to distribute it evenly to other cells of the body. Most importantly, oxygen is also stored in our body for emergency use so we can survive critical situations.

Furthermore, we also need oxygen to produce energy which helps in doing our tasks efficiently. For instance, through oxidation, our food and liquid get converted into energy. It is also beneficial in repairing our cells and maintaining our health.

Thus, we must ensure that we get an abundant supply of oxygen from nature. Do not cut down trees and clear out forests. On the contrary, we need to plant more trees. Similarly, do not pollute the air and hamper the oxygen quality. Avoid using personal conveyance and make sure to not leave a carbon footprint.


Water is an essential source for the survival of living beings. It would be an understatement to say that we cannot survive without it. It is made after the amalgamation of oxygen and hydrogen. Just like oxygen, it is also colourless and odourless.

Water is found in abundance on the planet though not all of it is safe for human consumption. We have been using water for centuries now, however, it is limited. It does replenish but that process also takes time which we are not giving it.

Water is equally important as oxygen is for living beings. Each body part even the tissue and cell need water for proper functioning. It helps in regulating the temperature of our body. Moreover, it also enhances the circulation of blood and oxygen in our body.

Furthermore, water is very important for lubricating our joints. Our digestive system also needs water for proper functioning. Moreover, water helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.


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