English, asked by vishalPatla, 1 year ago

van mahotsav slogan in english


Answered by upenderjoshi28

1.Forests Precede Mankind, Deserts Follow.

2. When you plant a tree, you plant a hope for future.

3. Trees on, Global warming gone!

4. Trees are gods, love them and revere them.

5. God Could Not Be Everywhere, So He Created Trees.

6. Planting a tree is much better than wearing a mask to be safe from pollution.

7. If you want to be disease free, just plant more tree.

8. Let us feel free to plant more tree and get oxygen free.

Answered by Sudhalatwal
1. Finding forests is scarce, when will we understand the value of theirs.

2. Forest reserve is a country's treasure, we've  exploited beyond measure.

3. If we need to thrive, see that flora and fauna in forests survive.

4. The Almighty gifted us bountiful green earth; we had no dearth
    Afforestation can only give our coming generations real mirth.

5. Each one plant one, for safe and secure environ'.
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