variety is spice of life...which figure of speech it is
Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
The given sentence is in metaphor.
There are different types of figure of speech. Some of them are simile, metaphor, alliteration, understatement etc., The smile and metaphor figure of speech states a sentence in comparison with an object. The simile states the subject in comparison with the object using the words like, such as etc., whereas the metaphor is also used as comparison but these sentences cannot be literally compared with the object.
For example: ‘She is as wise as an owl’ is a simile sentence because it literally compares the intelligence of the girl with the intelligence of an owl. Example of the metaphor sentence is ‘Time is money’ which literally does not mean time can be changed into money. But it states that the quality of time should be improved.