Environmental Sciences, asked by rsowmi531, 5 months ago

various environment all effects and benefits
associated with dams with references to a


Answered by 5ayuvrajharshvardhan



planning studies, the law related to the tasks and authorities of the govermental

institutions and establishments, contradicts sometimes with the law directly related

with environment. These laws should not be neglected while the planning studies.

Naturally current laws always age and change depending on the improvements

and technology. The point that should not be overlooked is to make the changes by

relying on the scientific, technological and educational studies. The only way to

minimize the contradictions between the laws is to make investigations. The investigations must be continuous. It is definitly necessary to put the blameless responsibility principle into practice.

Plants, animals and people have begun to be damaged from 1960s up today, as a

result of uncontrolled extreme population increase, air, water and soil pollution

caused by wastes as well as the changes in the ecosystems in parallel. Population

increase, technological improvements, the expansions in cities, ways, dams and other

engineering studies have disordered the natural balance and the natural body has

changed drasticly as a consequence of these activities. Meanwhile environment as a

subject became popular and has begun to gain imporatance day by day.

The raising interest against environment cause contradicitons between the planners, engineers and some groups in the society who are against all engineering buildings especially dams. On the other hand, it becomes unavoidable to construct the

mentioned plants and buildings to enhance the prosperity of the country by realizing

socio-economic and technological developments.

Nowadays living cultural, social and environmental values must be taken into

consideration in the planning studies which are done based on this new understanding, as well as technical standarts and economical values. At this stage, water resources planners have to give more importance to environmental problems in their


The planners should be reformist, broad-minded, sufficient in evaluating critical

needs. This innovation is necessary for alternatives such as designing less water

demand, encouraging solutions which are not structural in flood controll, finding

better methods to process wastes and purification of waste water.

The relations between water pollution, air pollution and solid wastes must be

known very well from a broad perspective. There is need to evaluate the real necessity that means the parallelism between the water supplied and the population distribution. Moreover, the importance of water projects in ecological relations and the

effects of the projects on water pollution should be kown. The most important between these is the evaluation of real necessity.

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