Various forms of executive
The second important organ of the government is executive. The legislature enacts the laws and the executive implements them. In ancient times the executive (Monarch and Council of Ministers) used to make the implement laws and it also awarded punishment to the law-breakers.
But today the monarchy has been abolished to a great extent and democracy has taken its place. Thus the executive has no power to make laws, to implement them and to punish those who violate the laws. The laws are now made by the legislature; the executive implements them and the judiciary awards punishments for the violation of the laws.
Dr. Garner while explaining the meaning of the executive said, “In a broad and collective sense the executive organ embraces the aggregate or totality of all the functionaries which are concerned with the execution of the will of the State as that will has been formulated and expressed in terms of law”.
The definition of Dr. Gamer is very comprehensive. According to it, the Head of the State, Council of Ministers and all other officials who implement the laws are included in the executive. If the word executive is used in a narrow sense, it will include only the President and the Council of Ministers, and the officials are not included in it.
Generally, the term executive is used in a narrow senses and it includes the head of the State and his Council of Ministers, who are required to implement the laws and make policies for running the administration of the State.
Types of Executive:
Modern executive represents different viewpoints.