Hindi, asked by saritawalia62, 1 year ago

varn vichchhed Karen ​


Answered by frickbrainly


Explanation:You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by thYou are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event whicYou are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

successful. You and the other committee members were congratulated and praised at

the school assembly by the principal. Write a letter to your grandmother telling her

about the event and your feelings at being recognized and praised in front of your

school.You are a part of an organizing committee for an interschool event which was very

Answered by Sainu


वर्ण-विच्छेद की परिभाषा

वर्ण-विच्छेद यानी वर्णों को अलग-अलग करना। किसी शब्द (वर्णों के सार्थक समूह) को अलग-अलग लिखने की प्रक्रिया को वर्ण-विच्छेद कहते हैं।


वर्ण-विच्छेद के कुछ उदाहरण

'अ' स्वर के उदाहरण

कलम = क् + अ + ल् + अ + म् + अ

कथन = क् + अ + थ् + अ + न् + अ

'आ' स्वर के उदाहरण

नाना = न् + आ + न् + आ

पाप = प् + आ + प् + अ

'इ' स्वर के उदाहरण

किताब = क् + ि + त् + आ + ब् + अ

दिवार = द् + ि + व् + आ + र् + अ


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