Vector processor nd advantaage and disadvantage of vector processor in computer organiaion
Answer: Each result is independent of previous results - allowing
high clock rates.
A single vector instruction performs a great deal of work -
meaning less fetches and fewer branches (and in turn fewer
Vector instructions access memory a block at a time which
results in very low memory latency.
Less memory access = faster processing time.
Lower cost due to low number of operations compared to
scalar counterparts.
Works well only with data that can be executed in highly or
completely parallel manner.
Needs large blocks of data to operate on to be efficient
because of the recent advances increasing speed of
accessing memory.
Severely lacking in performance compared to normal
processors on scalar data.
High price of individual chips due to limitations of on-chip
Increased code complexity needed to vectorize the data.
High cost in design and low returns compared to
superscalar microprocessors