English, asked by sikarwarkanha165, 8 months ago

Venice is a city in northern Italy. It is renowned for the beauty of its setting, its

architecture and its artworks. The name is derived from ancient Veneti people

who inhabited the region long ago. Venice is known as the ‘City of Water’, ‘City of

Brides’ and ‘The Floating City’. The city stretches across 117 small islands in the

marshy Venetarian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in the northern Italy.

LuiqiBarzini described it as “undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by man.”


a- Find synonyms of these words from the given passage- famous, old.

b- What is Venice famous for?

c- Give three others name names Venice is popularly known by.

d- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from passage.

The name ‘Venice’ is derived from the ancient---------- people who

inhabited the region long ago. The city stretches across 117 ------------- in

the Venetarian ---------- along the -------- in northern-----------​


Answered by gautamprabalpratap


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