English, asked by suryaji99, 1 year ago

Verbal to non-verbal For the manufacture of paper the raw materials<br />needed are<br />wood, glass, bamboo, and rags. There<br />all cut in to small piece and immersed in<br />wates. They<br />are then converted into pulp. later<br />the pulp as mixed with lime for whitening and<br />parsed through wire meshes, where it<br />transferred into paper. This wet paper is passed<br />over heated<br />and we finally get the<br />thin sheets of which we normally use<br />gets<br />rollers<br />paper which​


Answered by mdmmadhwapur


Q. You, the school captain, have been asked by the Principal to put up a notice regarding the reunion of the ex-students that is to be held in the school campus.

You are to urge the present students to join the function in making the celebrations a success

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