Math, asked by Ranveer9251, 10 months ago

verify associative property to addition of rational number (x+y) + z = x+ (y+ z)
1. x= 1/2 y=2/3 z= -1/5​


Answered by ananditanunes65


x= 1/2, y=2/3, z= -1/5

(x+y) + z = x+ (y+ z)

(x+y) + z =


0.9666666667..... (1)

x+ (y+ z) =



From equ. 1 and 2

we can say that


Therefore, according to the associative property to addition of rational number (x+y) + z = x+ (y+ z) is proved.

Pls mark as brainliest .

Answered by Anonymous

Step-by-step explanation:

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