verify ohm's law by ammeter and voltmeter and also draw graph between V and I
Experiment to Verify Ohm's Law
Ohm's law can be easily verified in the lab or at home. You need a voltmeter, an ammeter, power supply (dry cells), resistors, and connecting wires. A simple procedure to verify Ohm's law is given below:
Ohm's law
A simple circuit to verify Ohm's law
Take four or five dry cells, a thin wire (AB), a voltmeter, an ammeter, a plug key and some thick connecting wires. Connect the circuit as shown in figure, using one cell. The plug key allows you to switch off the current when not required. The wire becomes quite hot when current passes through it for some time. This drains the cell as well. Therefore, insert the key into the plug to switch on the current only when taking measurements.
The ammeter measures the current
through the circuit, and the voltmeter measures the potential difference
between the ends A and B of the wire. Note these values. Now, connect two cells in series in the circuit. You will find that the reading of the voltmeter increases, indicating the fact that a larger potential difference has been applied across the wire AB. You will also find that the reading of the ammeter increases as well. Note down the new values of
. Repeat the experiment by connecting in series three cells, four cells, and so on. In each case measure the potential difference and the current. If you calculate
for each case, you will find that it is almost the same. So,
is a constant, which is another way of stating Ohm's law. Here,
is resistance of the wire AB. If you plot a graph of the current of the current
against the potential difference
, it will be a straight line. This shows that the current is proportional to the potential difference.
Ohm's law verification using Rheostat
A circuit with Rheostat to verify Ohm's law
The experimental setup used in the laboratory makes use of a Rheostat to vary the potential difference
across a standard resistor