verify the newton's law of motion in cricket football long jump carom etc games explain with the pictures
Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that, together, laid the foundation for classical mechanics. They describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to those forces. More precisely, the first law defines the force qualitatively, the second law offers a quantitative measure of the force, and the thirdNewton's second Law of Motion states that The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force applied in the direction of force.
For example; when acceleration is applied on a moving vehicle, the momentum of the vehicle increases and the increase is in the direction of motion because the force is being applied in the direction of motion. On the other hand, when brake is applied on the moving vehicle, the momentum of the vehicle decreases and the decrease is in the opposite direction of motion because the force is being applied in the opposite direction of motion.
A fielder pulls his hand backward; while catching a cricket ball coming with a great speed, to reduce the momentum of the ball with a little delay. According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion; rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force applied in the direction. While catching a cricket ball the momentum of ball is reduced to zero when it is stopped after coming in the hands of fielder. If the ball is stopped suddenly, its momentum will be reduced to zero instantly. The rate of change in momentum is very quick and as a result, the player’s hand may get injured. Therefore, by pulling the hand backward a fielder gives more time to the change of momentum to become zero. This prevents the hands of fielder from getting hurt.
For athletes of long and high jump sand bed or cushioned bed is provided to allow a delayed change of momentum to zero because of jumping of athlete. When an athlete falls on the ground after performing a high or long jump, the momentum because of the velocity and mass of the athlete is reduced to zero. If the momentum of an athlete will be reduced to zero instantly, the force because of momentum may hurt the player. By providing a cushioned bed, the reduction of the momentum of the athlete to zero is delayed. This prevents the athlete from getting hurt.
Seat belts in car - Seat belts in the vehicles prevent the passenger from getting thrown in the direction of motion. In case of emergency, such as accidents or sudden braking, passengers may be thrown in the direction of motion of vehicle and may get fatal injuries. The stretchable seat belts increase the time of the rate of momentum to be reduced to zero. The delayed reduction of momentum to zero prevents passengers from such fatal injury.