Verify with numbers 387 and 982 that the difference between a 3 digit number and it's reverse is always 99 times the difference between the hundreds and the ones digit
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99 times the difference between the hundreds and the ones digit
Step-by-step explanation:
Number = 387
Reverse = 783
Difference = 783 - 387 = 396
396 = 99 * 4
= 99 * ( 7 - 3)
= times the difference between the hundreds and the ones digit
Number = 982
Reverse = 289
Difference = 982 - 289 = 693
693 = 99 * 7
= 99 * ( 9 - 2)
= times the difference between the hundreds and the ones digit
Number = XYZ
Value = 100X + 10Y + Z
Reverse = ZYX
Value = 100Z + 10Y + X
Difference = 100X + 10Y + Z - 100Z + 10Y + X
= 99X - 99Z
= 99 (X - Z)
= 99 times the difference between the hundreds and the ones digit
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