English, asked by muzammilmohammed2007, 4 months ago

VERY SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS: Give one-word answers

1. About how many years ago did agriculture begin?

2. Large grasses cultivated for their nutritious seeds are called

3. Preparation of the soil involves and it .

4. The agricultural implement used to sow seeds is called a seed

5. Allowing a field to remain free of crops for one or more seasons is called field It allows the field to regain

6. All crops require approximately the same amount of water at roughly the same time periods of their growth. True or false?

7.Name one pesticide you will use to kill insects that harm crops.

8. Pesticides are used to kill small pests,but they are not strong enough to humans. True or false?

9.Name the nitrogen fixing bacteria in root nodules of leguminous plants. 10. Conversion of proteins into ammonia is called

11. Some bacteria can convert nitrate salts in the soil to free nitrogen. True or false?

12 A milch animal is one that yields

13. Rearing honeybees for honey is called


Answered by anjimabegum123


1 answer 10,000

2 answer cereals

3 answer loosening And turning it

4 answer sawing

5 answer field fallow

6 answer false

7 answer malathion

8 answer low in toxicity

9 answer rhizobium

11 answer true

12 answer milk

13 answer beekeeping

Answered by abdulali93411


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