Science, asked by gupta9917, 6 months ago

VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: Give one word answers
1. Can you name anything that can travel faster than light ?

2. Are most objects around us luminous or non-luminous?

3. Are stars luminous or non-luminous?

4. We depend on light energy for our food. True or false?

5. Can a completely transparent object cast a shadow?

6. When does a solar eclipse occur-on a new moon day or on a full moon day?

7. A beam of light consists of several rays. True or false?
8. Light can travel through a bent tube just like water can. True or false?

9. Which of these is luminous—sun, earth or moon?

10. If you can see the faint glow of a lighted torch through an object, but not the torch itself, is the substance opaque, translucent or transparent ?
the substance opaque, translucent or transparent?

11. Which of these is formed by light reflected by an object-image or shadow?


Answered by siya3148


1. Can you name anything that can travel faster than light ? sound travel faster according to me

6.When does a solar eclipse occur-on a new moon day or on a full moon day?

new moon day

Answered by usernametaken8


1. Light travels the fastest. There is no such object faster than light.

2. Most objects around us are non-luminous.

3. Yes, Stars are luminous.

4. True

5. No

6.New moon day

7. True




11. Image

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