Chemistry, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago


1. How are chemical reactions expressed in the shortestway?
2. What is the type of reaction in which the reactant gives simplerproducts?
3. What is the type of reaction in which two or more reactants combine to a give a single product?
4. In which type of reaction does an exchange of partners takeplace?
5. Why are chemical equationsbalanced?
6. What symbol is used to indicate a solution made inwater?
7. What type of reaction does occur during the digestion of food inside ourbody?
8. What type of reaction is represented by the followingequation?
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
9. What type of reaction does occur when silver bromide is exposed tosunlight?
10. A solution of a substance is used for white-washing. Name the substance with itsformula.
11. Name the type of reaction which is represented by the following equations: Fe2O3 + 2Al →Al2O3 + 2Fe
12. Balance the following equation using state symbols: Fe + HCl→ FeCl2 +H2.
13. Express the following statement in the form of a balanced chemical equation: “Sodium reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide andhydrogen”.
14. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction that occurs between aluminiumhydroxide and sulphuric acid forming aluminiumsulphate andwater.
15. What type of reaction does occur when ammonia is allowed to react with hydrogen chloride?
16. Name the type of reaction involved when a zinc plate is dipped in a solution of copper sulphate?
17. In the reaction, CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O(l). Pick out thefollowing:
(i) the substance which isoxidised
(ii) the substance which isreduced
(iii) the oxidizingagent
(iv) the reducingagent

18. What chemical reaction is involved in the corrosion ofiron?
19. Aluminum metal when burnt in air forms aluminiumoxide. Write the balanced chemical equation for thereaction.
20. Is the reaction represented by the following reaction a displacement reaction? 2KI + Cl2→ 2KCl +I2
21. Express the following reaction in the form of a balanced chemical equation: “When a strip of copper is dipped in a solution of silver nitrate, silver metal is precipitated and a solution of copper nitrate isproduced.”
22. Write the following equation in a balancedform?
NH3 + O2→ N2 + 2H2O
23. What is the process called in which a substance is converted into a newsubstance?
24. Name the gas evolved when a magnesium ribbon is dropped into dilute sulphuricacid?
25. Give an example of a double displacementreaction.
26. Is copper more reactive than iron? Give the equation of the reaction in support of your answer?
27. Can a combustion reaction be a redoxreaction?
28. Can a double displacement reaction be a redoxreaction?
29. State one characteristics of the chemical reaction when lemon juice is added gradually to potassium permanganatesolution?
30. Which gas does evolve when dilute HClis added to sodiumcarbonate?
31. Why is photochemical reaction considered an endothermicreaction?
32. Which term is applied for the process in which unpleasantsmell and taste develop in foods containing fats andoils?
33. What are the substances called which are added to foods containing fats and oils toprotect them from becomingrancid?
34. Why are potato chips packaged innitrogen?
35. In the refining of silver, silver is obtained from silver nitrate by using copper metal. Write down the reactioninvolved?
36. A shiny brown colouredelement when heated in air becomes black. Name the element and the black coloured substance soformed.
37. Name the substance which is oxidisedin the following reaction: H2S + Cl2→2HCl + S
38. Why are all decomposition reactionsendothermic?
39. Is the decomposition of vegetable matter into compost an exothermicreaction?

40. Why is photosynthesis an endothermicreaction?
41. Balance the followingequation:
(i) MNO2 + HCl→ MNCl2+ Cl2+H2O
(ii) Na + O2→Na2O
(iii) H2O2→H2O + O2
(iv) Mg(OH)2 + HCl→MgCl2+ H2O
(v) Fe + O2→Fe2O3
(vi) Al(OH)3→ Al2O3+H2O
(vii) NH3 + CuO→ Cu + N2 +H2O
(viii) Al2(SO4)3 + NaOH→ Al(OH)3+Na2SO4
(ix) HNO3 + Ca(OH)2→ Ca(NO3)2 +H2O
(x) NaOH + H2SO4→Na2SO4 + H2O
(xi) BaCl2+ H2SO4→ BaSO4 +HCl
(xii) Calcium hydroxide + Carbon dioxide →Calcium carbonate + Water
(xiii) Aluminium+ Copper chloride → Aluminiumchloride +Copper
(xiv) Calcium + Water →Calcium hydroxide + Hydrogen
(xv) Sulphurdioxide + Oxygen →Sulphur trioxide
(xvi) MnO2 + HCl→ MnCl2+ Cl2+H2O
(xvii) Zn + HCl→ZnCl2


Answered by s02371joshuaprince47


1)the chemical reactions are expressed in the shortest way by using their symbols and elements symbols

2) Decomposition reaction is the type of reaction in which the reactant give simpler products. In Decomposition reaction a compound breaks down to give two or more simpler substances

3)Reactions in which many reactants combine to give one product are called combination reactions whereas, in decomposition one reactant breaks down in many products.

4)In double-displacement reactions exchange of partners occur.

5) An equation is balanced when the same number of each element is represented on the reactant and product sides. Equations must be balanced to accurately reflect the law of conservation of matter.

6) (aq.) symbol is used to indicate a solution made in water.

7)Digestion of food in our body is a decomposition reaction.

8)Caco3 → Cao + Co2 Concept: Chemical Reactions - Types of Chemical Reactions - Decomposition.

9) Silver bromide is a photosensitive compound that decomposes when exposes to sunlight. That is the reason it is always kept in the dark bottles. The reaction of silver chloride with sunlight is also called as photolytic decomposition reaction in which the decomposition reaction carried out by sunlight.

10)The chemical substance X used for whitewashing is Calcium oxide, also known as quicklime or burnt lime or lime.

11)2. Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe The above reaction is an example of a : (a) combination reaction (b) double displacement reaction (c) decomposition reaction (d) displacement reaction Ans. The given equation is a displacement reaction in which Fe of Fe2O3 has been displaced by Al. Hence, (d) is the correct option.

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