vi) What are the various uses of soil ?
1.Agriculture. Topsoil is used for the agricultural production of crops necessary for human and animal food and clothing needs.The soil has fertility like essential minerals and organic matter needed ...
2.Microbial cultivation. Soil texture is suitable for the cultivation of bacteria, fungus, etc. These bacteria are suitable for fixing nitrogen and fertility in the soil.
3.Water harvesting. When there is rain, the soil absorbs water. This water goes into a deeper layer of soil and is available for Plants andforests to grow.
hope it help you
soil is one of the important natural resource . It is a basic requirement for plants growth and supports various life forms on the earth.
1. It is used in making of ceramics or pottery.
2.It is a source of material for construction and handicraft works.
3.It acts as natural filter of water and purifies it.