vibrating tuning fork is moving slowly and uniformly in a horizontal circular path of radius 8m. The shortest distance of an observer in same plane from the tuning fork is 9m. The distance between the tuning fork and oberver at the instant when apparent frequency becomes maximum is?
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Please refer to the image attached, pardon me for not a very well drawing skills. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
When the turning fork is at the position Q, the observer who will be at the shortest distance will be at point P.
If the fork moves in the anti-clockwise direction the frequency heard is the maximum when the fork is approaching the observer. But for the maximum apparent frequency, the position of the observer will be at R.
So we will apply the Pythagorean theorem on triangle ROP
PR = underoot OP square + OR square = underoot 17 square + 8 square = underoot 353 = 18.79m

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the answer is explained above

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