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Short Speech on Self Confidence (507 Words)
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Short Speech on Self Confidence (507 Words).
Self Confidence is the key to success, or we can say the first step to success. If a person has self confidence, he has won half the battle. Those people who have self confidence at work, school, and in their daily life always appear on top of world. Everything seems to go right for these people and they always seem to present themselves as calm, collected and successful in everything they do.
If you pay attention, you might notice that these self confident people usually are successful in every area of their lives. Is this because they are smarter? Or is it because they have more money? Maybe they are just lucky? The reality is that none of these things are true. Self confident people understand the impact of believing in themselves and relying on their abilities.
This confidence ultimately creates opportunities for success and with each new success, another self confidence building block is put into place. Success builds self confidence with each new achievement. Self confident people perceive themselves as able to achieve those things they set out to do and this perception creates reality in their lives.
Yes, perception creates reality. You can become the person you want to be. You have heard it said that if you can believe it you can achieve it.
So, start believing in yourself, act on that belief, and you ill start building self confidence in your life. Building self confidence need certain steps to be followed.