views and counteviews on laptop should be allowed in school ??
I feel there are a lot more pros than cons for this one, as we all know technology is the way of the future and there is no denying in a few years these types of gadgets will probably be a necessity for education. So, why not start now?
There is the argument that students will get distracted and begin to play games, browse the internet, check their social media, all these things are very much a possibility but if a student spends an average of 6 hours in classroom there really is only so much browsing you can do. You can’t monitor them all the time but most students will learn to take responsibility and simply get on with their work.
Wave behaviour
Waves display several basic phenomena. In reflection, a wave encounters an obstacle and is reflected back. In refraction, a wave bends when it enters a medium through which it has a different speed.