Vinay started a business by investing Rs. 32000.After 2 months Vardhan joined him with some investments. At the end of the year the total profit was divided in the ratio 8:5.How much capital was invested by Vardhan ?
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Ans = 12,305
Vinay capital = 32,000
Vardhan capital= ?
The ratio of two members=8:5
=investment / total ratio
=32,000 / 8+5
=32,000 / 13 = 2,461
If 1 part = 2,461
the ratio of Vardhan is 5 parts= 12,305
then the capital of Vardhan is =12,305
Vinay capital = 32,000
Vardhan capital= ?
The ratio of two members=8:5
=investment / total ratio
=32,000 / 8+5
=32,000 / 13 = 2,461
If 1 part = 2,461
the ratio of Vardhan is 5 parts= 12,305
then the capital of Vardhan is =12,305
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