visit a nearby village or a slumarea and write down case study of a poor boy or girl
After visiting a nearby slum area, I found children playing in the street. I talked to one of them. His name was Jeet, and he was fourteen years old. Jeet belonged to a poor family and his father was addicted to alcohol. His father used to work as a whitewasher so his job was not on regular basis he worked occasionally. His mother used to do petty jobs in other houses like washing utensils and clothes, moping and dusting. Jeet was the eldest in his among his siblings; he had two sisters that used to go to school. Jeet never went to school. He had company of bad boys and smoked and sometime like his father he also drank. He was very careless, used to roam here and there doing nonsense stuffs whole day.
company of bad is your correct answer