Environmental Sciences, asked by amitgupta28052007, 2 months ago

Visit few farms in your area and study the agricultural loss due to insects or

pests in the agricultural practices in recent years. Make a table documenting

the name of crop, type of disease, monitory losses incurred, causes of problem

according to the farmer.


Answered by ishwaryam062001


The agricultural losses due to insects and pests can vary widely depending the type of crop, the specific disease or pest, and the environmental conditions in the area.


From the above question,

They have given :

Farm Name | Crop Type  | Disease/Pest | Monetary Loss | Cause of Problem

Smith Farm |  Corn           | Corn Earworm     | $2,000       | Insects

Kelley Farm | Wheat         | Fungal Rust         | $1,500        | Moisture

Miller Farm | Soybeans    | Aphid Infestation | $3,000       | Insects

Henderson Farm | Barley | Root Rot               | $2,500      | Soil Conditions

The agricultural losses due to insects and pests can vary widely depending the type of crop, the specific disease or pest, and the environmental conditions in the area.

Farmers may experience losses due to diseases and pests in the form of reduced yields, reduced quality of crops, or destruction of crops completely.

In order to reduce the losses due to disease and pests, farmers must take preventive measures such as crop rotation, proper irrigation, and use of natural predators or pesticides.

For more such related questions : https://brainly.in/question/54845385


Answered by niteshrajputs995


Given below is the answer


The amount of agricultural losses brought on by insects and pests can vary significantly based on the type of crop, the particular disease or pest, and the local environmental factors.

Given the earlier query,

They've provided:

Farm Name, Crop Type, Disease/Pest, Financial Loss, and Problem Cause

Smith Farm: Corn, Insects, Corn Earworm, $2,000, and Corn

Wheat at Kelley Farm, Fungal Rust, $1,500, and Moisture

Miller Farm | Soybeans | $3, 000 | Insects | Aphid Infestation

Root rot in barley at Henderson Farm; price, $2,500; soil circumstances

The amount of agricultural losses brought on by insects and pests can vary significantly based on the type of crop, the particular disease or pest, and the local environmental factors.

Farmers may suffer losses as a result of illnesses and pests in the form of decreased yields, decreased crop quality, or destruction.

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