Visit the gardener and find out the various properties of the manure and fertilizer and mode their applications. Note down the observation of PH value of different soils.
Soil pH or soil reaction is an indication of the acidity or alkalinity of soil and is measured in pH units. Soil pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 with pH 7 as the neutral point. As the amount of hydrogen ions in the soil increases the soil pH decreases thus becoming more acidic. From pH 7 to 0 the soil is increasingly more acidic and from pH 7 to 14 the soil is increasingly more alkaline or basic.
Descriptive terms commonly associated with certain ranges in soil pH are:
- Extremely acid: < than 4.5; lemon=2.5; vinegar=3.0; stomach acid=2.0; soda=2–4
- Very strongly acid: 4.5–5.0; beer=4.5–5.0; tomatoes=4.5
- Strongly acid: 5.1–5.5; carrots=5.0; asparagus=5.5; boric acid=5.2; cabbage=5.3
- Moderately acid: 5.6–6.0; potatoes=5.6
- Slightly acid: 6.1–6.5; salmon=6.2; cow's milk=6.5
- Neutral: 6.6–7.3; saliva=6.6–7.3; blood=7.3; shrimp=7.0
- Slightly alkaline: 7.4–7.8; eggs=7.6–7.8
- Moderately alkaline: 7.9–8.4; sea water=8.2; sodium bicarbonate=8.4
- Strongly alkaline: 8.5–9.0; borax=9.0
- Very strongly alkaline: > than 9.1; milk of magnesia=10.5, ammonia=11.1; lime=12
☆ Measuring Soil pH
Soil pH provides various clues about soil properties and is easily determined. The most accurate method of determining soil pH is by a pH meter. A second method which is simple and easy but less accurate then using a pH meter, consists of using certain indicators or dyes.
image of soil sampleMany dyes change color with an increase or decrease of pH making it possible to estimate soil pH. In making a pH determination on soil, the sample is saturated with the dye for a few minutes and the color observed. This method is accurate enough for most purposes. Kits (pH) containing the necessary chemicals and color charts are available from garden stores.
There may be considerable variation in the soil pH from one spot in a field or lawn to another. To determine the average soil pH of a field or lawn it is necessary to collect soil from several locations and combine into one sample.