English, asked by Nishantkumar3547, 2 months ago

Visit to local commercial Orchard eeasy


Answered by sahilkadavekar484


Establishment of orchard

Establishment of an orchard is a long term investment and deserves a very critical planning. The selection of proper location and site, planting system and planting distance, choosing the varieties and the nursery plants have to be considered carefully to ensure maximum production.

Location and site

Proper selection of site is important. Selection may be made based on the following criteria.

1. The location should be in a well established fruit growing region because one could get the benefit of experience of other growers and also get the benefit of selling the produce through co-operative organizations with other fruit growers.

2. There should be a market close to the area.

3. The climate should be suitable to grow the chosen fruit crops.

4. Adequate water supply should be available round the year.

Before a grower selects a site for establishing a new orchard, he must have assessed the following factors:

1. Suitability of soil, its fertility, the nature of subsoil and soil depth.

2. Site must have proper drainage and no water stagnation during rainy season

3. Irrigation water must be of good quality.

4. There must be proper transport facilities either by road or rail within the reach.

5. Whether the climatic conditions are suitable for the fruits to be grown and are whether site is free from the limiting factors such as cyclones, frost, hailstorms and strong hot winds.

6. Whether there are seasonal gluts or over production in any particular period of the year.

7. Whether there is assured demand in the market for the fruits to be grown.

8. Whether his orchard is a new venture or whether there are already other growers.

9. Availability of labour.

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