Sociology, asked by pathaksarita421, 8 months ago

Write a paragraph on “If we wish to get respect from others, we should learr
respect other too".
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Answered by BhumiBanik


Respect is earned…thus starting off, respect is first given by being polite. But politeness is also a response to same. By learning to take each new approach of any new person the reciprocal response should be returned.

As each person learns about the other person, how they respond will determine how the relationship…in business and personal life will bring mutual respect. This does not mean any disagreement cannot happen but only how the disagreement is dealt with.

Respect is not only about give and take, it is also standing up for yourself which is also respect for your own person. Being tolerant is not about accepting everything coming your way, so to respect your boundaries and personal foundations shows you are asking to be respected and vis versa.

Answered by aryansuts01



A paragraph is a stand-alone chunk of literature that covers just one idea or point of contention. A paragraph consists of three or more words. Paragraphs are typically expected in professional writing and are used to break up lengthier prose, even though they are not required by any language's syntax.


Write a paragraph addressing the statement, "We should learn to respect one another if we want respect from others."


Find the answer for the given question


Growing up with respect from significant persons in our lives teaches us how to treat others with courtesy. Respect means accepting others for who they are, regardless of how they differ from you or what they believe. Respect improves how you feel secure and at ease in your conversations.

Respect does not involve a superior-inferior relationship. It is an equality-based relationship. Respect grows in a democratic, cordial environment. Every person is unique and deserving of respect. All members of an organization, from the CEO to the security guard, are crucial.

Although their talents and efforts may vary, each one deserves appreciation for what he has done.

An organization transforms into a comfortable home where everyone has a sense of belonging and where productivity rises when everyone starts to appreciate their supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, & customers. Politics, animosity, rumours, and conflicts have no place in the present; only gratitude, respect, and goodwill are appropriate.

Listening is one of the best ways to respect other people. Respect can be demonstrated very effectively by listening to another person's perspective. Most importantly, even if we disagree with someone's viewpoints, we must respect their right to express them. Regarding others' political and religious beliefs, there are several essential considerations.

We can respect individuals we know and care about, including our close friends, romantic partners, kids, and certain extended family members.

Beyond that, we can show appreciation to anyone who comes to our aid or renders a service that improves our quality of life.


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