English, asked by Tishasodha1, 1 year ago

Vocabulary 3words from each alphabet (a to z )

armaanian: the pts r very less according to the question


Answered by akshats1098

armaanian: @tishasodha1 asked for 3 vocabulary words from each alphabet
Tishasodha1: Ask
Tishasodha1: But that is not right
Tishasodha1: Like tuff words with meaning
Answered by armaanian
advent - arrival
boded - indicated 
contrived - planned 
divined - guessed 
erudite - learning 
fording - crossing 
galled - vexed 
holus bolus - altogether 
iterated - repeated
jestingly - jokingly 
knavish - dishonest 
lax - loose 
melancholy - sad 
notorious - famous for some bad quality 
orbs - eyeballs 
privation - lacking need
quivering - trembling 
requisition - demand 
savoury - tasty 
thaw - melt 
unfastened - unlocked 
veracious - honest 
waggish - humorous in a mischiveous manner 
xeric - very dry [ of an environment ]
yokel - an uneducated and unsophisticated person from the countryside
zymotic - relating to or denoting contagious disease regarded as developing                   after infection, by a process analogous to fermentation

armaanian: plz mark it as the brainliest
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