English, asked by guddy627, 2 months ago

w and answer the questions that follow
Unlike children, adults can appreciate the valuable projects and relationships in the be
because adults are the sorts of creatures who can endorse many aspects of their lives merely to
conception of what a worthwhile life looks like. A neurotic author who writes brillantes
the project of writing under stress and anxiety because she knows that these negative embons
otherwise be. A brain surgeon operating on the worst types of cancers knows that the stakes in the
carefree manner. She is willing to trade carefreeness for a life of achievement in medicine
In fact, we can evaluate the lives of adults who are not carefree as positive precisely because we
capacities (eg, for self-reflection; to acquire relevant moral knowledge; to maintain an adequate
risks and opportunities attached to certain actions, etc) allow her to endorse valuable projects
towards them are lacking.
The same is not true of children. Although they also need to endorse the valuable projects an
contributions to living well, an endorsement in their case arises when children feel positive e
Children simply lack the requisite evaluative capacities to be able to endorse valuable proje
within an overall life plan.​


Answered by deepti291182


Thanks ok please like tish answer

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