English, asked by palmithlesh304, 4 months ago

W.Translate the following into English:
प्राचीन काल में विक्रमादित्य नाम का राजा इस देश में राज्य करता था। वह बड़ा न्यायी राजा था। आज
भी लोग उसके न्याय की प्रशंसा करते हैं। एक दिन कुछ लड़के एक गाँव के निकट एक जंगल में खेल रहे
थे। वहाँ उन्होंने एक मिट्टी का ढेर देखा जो पत्थर से ढका था। उनमें से एक लड़का पत्थर पर बैठ गया।
उसने साथियों से कहा, "मित्रो, अब मैं विक्रमादित्य हो गया हूँ। तुम लोग अपने मुकदमे मेरे पास ले आओ।
मैं न्याय करूँगा।" उसके निर्णय की चर्चा दूर-दूर तक फैली। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति उस लड़के के न्याय से सन्तुष्ट
होता था। जब वह मिट्टी का ढेर खोदा गया तो लोगों को मालूम हुआ कि सचमुच वह राजा विक्रमादित्य
के बैठने का स्थान था।
12 Write an essay on one of the following topics in about 200 words: 12​


Answered by Brainlessandfunny


In ancient times, a king named Vikramaditya ruled in this country. He was a great just king. today

People also praise his justice. One day some boys are playing in a forest near a village

Were. There he saw an earthen heap covered with stone. One of them sat on the stone.He told his friends, "Friends, now I am Vikramaditya. You guys bring your cases to me.

I will do justice. "The discussion of his decision spread far and wide. Every person is satisfied with that boy's justice

used to have. When that pile of soil was dug up, people came to know that it was actually King Vikramaditya's was a place to sit.

Answered by mad210202

Translation into English


In ancient times, a king named Vikramaditya ruled in this country. He was a great and just king. Even today  people praise his justice. One day, some boys were playing in a forest near a village . There they saw an earthen heap covered with stone. One of them sat on the stone.  

He told his friends, "Friends, now I am Vikramaditya. You guys should bring your cases to me, I will do justice." The discussion of his decision spread far and wide. Every person was satisfied with that boy's justice .

When that pile of soil was dug up, people came to know that it was really King Vikramaditya  who sat in that place.

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