waht is a verb and what are there types explain it?
Answer: Verb is a action word
Ex: run, sleep, eat, drink, play, and etc.
The types of verbs are principal verbs and auxiliary verbs.
Principal Verbs
A verb that uses independently in a sentence without taking any help from other verbs is called a principal verb or main verb.
Ex: The boy looks very handsome.
There are 2 types of principal verbs: Transitive verbs and Intransitive verbs.
Transitive Verbs
A verb that refers to action and links with the subject and object in a sentence is called a transitive verb. Transitive verbs need an object to complete their proper meaning.
Ex: My mother is preparing for cooking.
Intransitive Verbs
A verb that refers to action and links with the subject but does not have an object is called an intransitive verb. Intransitive verbs don’t need an object to complete their proper meaning.
Ex: The boys are singing.
Auxiliary Verbs
A verb that can’t be used independently rather helps a principal verb to form a sentence is called an auxiliary verb or helping verb. Auxiliary verbs are of two types. They are:
1. Primary auxiliaries and
2. Modal auxiliaries
Primary auxiliaries
A verb that is used to help a principal verb to form a sentence is called a primary auxiliary verb. Primary auxiliaries can be changed their form according to the use of different tenses.
Ex: I am going to the new coffee shop.
Modal auxiliaries
An auxiliary verb that expresses mood or manner in which the action is done is called a modal auxiliary. In other words, Modal auxiliaries express possibility, ability, permission or obligation.
Ex: I can do the job.
(Took from https://englishfinders.com/types-of-verbs-in-english/)
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