waiting for?
The Flying Horse swelled with pride. You see,
paintings need to be seen, otherwise they fade
What is the Flying Horse patiently
away. What better way to be seen than to be
framed and hung on a wall! So, Flying Horse
waited patiently on Krishna's desk
The next day, Krishna come home from school with a lot of homework. He dumped his books on
his study table and sat down to start his work. He dawdled and daydreamed and didn't finish his
work until dinnertime. The Flying Horse floated down to the floor as Krishna impatiently put away
his books and rushed for dinner
On Saturday, Krishna's friends Anirudh and Geeta came over to spend the day with him. They say
the Flying Horse and giggled 'look at this painting! It's a horse with wings ... how strange!" said
Anirudh. "Did you paint this?" asked Geeta Krishna was embarrassed. He quickly diverted their
attention. "let's look for the places we want to visit," he said, reaching for his atlas. Crtrash! The
books on the shelf fell to the floor, along with Flying Horse. They got busy with the atlas while Fly
Horse waited patiently under the books on the floor
Just then, Geeta spied the snakes-and-ladders board on the shelf. "Let's play snakes and ladde
she suggested
"Yes, yes, I love snakes and ladders," said Krishna, and they settled themselves around the board
After snakes and ladders, they moved on to the figures of sportspersons. Krishna brought out his
slash of cards with his favourite sportspersons, too. They got fed up with them and pulled out the
plastic animals. Krishna's room looked like it had been hit by a cyclone. Flying Horse began to w
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