Hindi, asked by htalreja012, 4 months ago

Wakya bhed kya hota hai​


Answered by AmAnushka


अर्थ के आधार पर आठ प्रकार के वाक्य होते हैं –1-विधान वाचक वाक्य, 2- निषेधवाचक वाक्य, 3- प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य, 4- विस्म्यादिवाचक वाक्य, 5- आज्ञावाचक वाक्य, 6- इच्छावाचक वाक्य, 7-संकेतवाचक वाक्य, 8- संदेहवाचक वाक्य।

There are eight types of sentences depending on the meaning – 1- Legislative sentences, 2- Prohibitive sentences, 3- Interrogative sentences, 4- Exclamatory sentences, 5- Obligatory sentences, 6- Descriptive sentences, 7- Indicative sentences, 8- Doubtful sentences. Sentence


if helps please make brainliest

Answered by yuvraj116760
Wakya bhed is very simple
Its the meaning or purpose of wakya
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